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The practice of millet and other grains pot

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The practice of millet and other grains pot


Guoba is a common snack, crispy and delicious. But because it's fried food, it's rarely eaten now. But now with the air frying pan, you can make a healthy version of the delicious pot. With millet as the main raw material and rye whole wheat flour added, it should be the most healthy and delicious pot I have ever eaten. It's a good choice to fry a pot and make a small zero degree drama chase.

How to make millet pot

1. Soak millet in clear water for more than one hour in advance.

2. Drain the water from the soaked millet and put it with flour, rye flour and baking powder.

3. When kneading into dough, it is generally unnecessary to add water, but if it is especially dry, add a little.

4. Roll it into thin sheets as much as possible. Then cut into small pieces and make holes. You can brush a little salad oil on the dough, and it will be better when baked.

5. Preheat the fryer 200 degrees.

6. Put the chips into the air frying, 200 degrees, 10 minutes, and take them out for inspection. Grill thoroughly and crispy. Serve after cooling thoroughly.

Cooking skills: if you like to eat something with a hard taste, you can use fried food instead of baking powder.

Millet and other grains


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Shenyang Xinxinfeng Food Co.,Ltd

National Hotline: 400-0066-024

Website: www.xinxinfeng.com

Address: No. 280-6, Wang Baoshi Village, Shenjingzi Town, Dongling District, Shenyang

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