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The practice of Guoba

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The practice of Guoba


The way of cooking in coarse grain pot:

1. Soak glutinous rice in water for four hours.

2. After the glutinous rice is drained, add the ginger powder, salt, corn starch (it can coagulate) and scallion white (leave the scallion root alone, it will be easy to fry and paste. Or even if you don't put the onions on.

3. Mix evenly.

4. Take a look at the tool of frying pan in my hand (I will introduce two methods today. The utility model relates to a traditional mould for frying a pot. One is the hamburger mold we usually bake. It is better to use the hamburger model rather than the less oil method. The frying pan mold must be held by someone to be fried. If there is more oil, the pot will float out. Mold removed. Make a new one.

5. First apply some hot oil on the mould. Put a layer of rice flat.

6. After the oil in the pot is hot. Take a grain of rice and throw it into the oil. The grain can float on the oil quickly.

7. Then blow out the oil in the mould.

8. Fry until golden.

The following uses the hamburger mold operation

1. Apply hot oil on the hamburger mold. (why drain the oil at this step. Because after the oil is put in, the pot will automatically separate from the mold after it is fried.)

2. Use a small spoon to smooth the rice.

3. Appearance after troweling.

4. Then put the mold into the oil pan. If the amount of oil is small, you can use a spoon to pour the hot oil into the mold. It will help you to blow it up.

5. Fry until golden, and take out the mold with a clamp.

6. Turn it upside down on the filter screen and tap it with chopsticks.

7. The pot will be pulled out.

8. Look at so many pots and pans. There is so much oil after the final frying.

Crispy rice


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Shenyang Xinxinfeng Food Co.,Ltd

National Hotline: 400-0066-024

Website: www.xinxinfeng.com

Address: No. 280-6, Wang Baoshi Village, Shenjingzi Town, Dongling District, Shenyang

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